Firstly, I just want to point out that this is in no way the 'official' anything of VCP, it's just a place where I host the documents that I made that can help other people participating at Vanier College Productions. Most of these (if not all) don't have to be VCP-specific and could be used at other theatre companies (or elsewhere).
[pdf] The VCP Guide to Lighting by Hussein Esmail. This guide is a collection of how to use the lighting board at VCP, locations of lights in the theatre space, how to document your work when designing the lighting for a show, and the differences between a Lighting Designer and Lighting Operator.
[pdf] Streamyard Manual. This guide was made in October 2020 when teaching the Stage Managers for each show how to use Streamyard for recording/streaming their shows. This guide is meant to be a reference that you can come back to it later if you forget how to do something.
[pdf] VCP Gel Inventory. This document is a collection of tables of what gels VCP has.
[pdf] Embedding Subtitles. This is a tutorial document if you need to embed subtitles into a video using ffmpeg (hardcoded in the video, or softcoded that can be turned on and off).
[tex] Script Template. This is a template document that can make a script in a nice format (searchable, table of contents for scenes, just looks nice overall). This was made via LaTeX. This file is made so that the comments act as a tutorial to the shortcuts I made, so you don't need LaTeX knowledge to type your script. If you have any other questions about LaTeX, feel free to email me. See Is LaTeX Better? for why I made a LaTeX document instead of a Microsoft Word document.
[pdf] Using QLab with Streamyard Presentation. This presentation was used in my YouTube tutorial released on February 16, 2022 on how to send QLab audio cues to Streamyard using Loopback.