Hussein Esmail

Github for Group Projects

Github is a very useful system for version control among the Computer Science community. The reason why is because many people can work on the same project with ease after knowing how to use it.

Making a Github Account

To get started using Github, you first have to make an account. For code-sharing platforms, it's common for people to have their names as their usernames. for example, my Github username is hussein-esmail7. When you create your account, you can skip all the personalization questions it asks, those are optional. After your account is created, you can now go to the top right corner and click the circle to get a dropdown menu, then "My Profile". As you create repositories, they will show here and in the repositories tab.

Creating a Project

A project in Github is called a repository, or "repo" for short. If you are going to work on a shared repo, give your username to the repo owner, and they will add you.

To submit a change, I find it best to have a copy of the repository downloaded on your computer. That introduces the concept of "push" and "pull" for git repositories. A git pull is when you get the latest copy of a git repository from the Github servers. A git push is when you send your local copy of the repo with your own changes to the Github servers. It's reccomended to always git pull before you git push, or else you will experience something called a merge conflict.

To operate a local copy of your repository, you need to operate the terminal. I reccomend learning from this link. One difference is that you clone a repository to your computer if it already exists. Git init is if you create a new local repository.